Pro tip: Think tweet length when providing a summary. Here are 11 creative presentation ideas to present a presentation and make it more memorable for your viewers. Experiment with color It's surprising what a little color can do. It helps add purpose and clarity to your work. Create a poster Make a PowerPoint presentation Design a model Make a shoebox diorama Use a 3-panel display board Make a timeline Create a board game incorporating key elements. You can arrange an odd number of objects symmetrically, for an ordered approach, or go for a more creative, casual look with an asymmetrical arrangement. A table UI design is a great solution when you need to display either a large amount of numerical data or lists of objects, people, or other items of the same type. Infographics are a great way to share information visually. Video content Studies suggest that we now spend one day every week online checking content from our smartphones. Pew Research created an animated GIF composite to show shifts in population demographics over time. Lists can be a great way to display information, but they can also be lackluster at times. 04 of 20 Go Vertical Brittany Ambridge Here are 72 fun and creative ways for your students to show what they know. Pivot table. Pivot tables are one of the most simple and useful ways to visualize data. Not only do they convey lots of information in a simple way, they also provide context for that information by displaying it sequentially along with other related events. Write a poem Write and perform a skit Make a TV or radio commercial Make a collage Make a mobile Data presenting in fun and creative ways will stick out to your audience. I can't be certain, but it sounds to me like the question concerns displaying borders around the data, since the user wishes to continue to display data in tabular form. Displaying odd numbers is also a good technique to use when hanging diverse items, such as plates, platters, and other collectibles. They don't require people to squint and overthink; instead, these charts do. Picasso's Paintings Timeline Infographic Source When you are publicly presenting information, you need it to be visually impactful. 8. 1. You can quickly summarize and analyze large amounts of data and use additional features such as color formatting and data bars to enhance the visual . The unique form will draw them in and make the data more digestible. 1. Designers and product teams appreciate the benefits of this approach: Great use of web or mobile app interface space Clean and neat layout and outlook Each report contained detailed information, presented in a visually engaging way for easy reference. This is visual storytelling: taking an in-depth subject and breaking it down in an easy-to-understand way. Creative timelines are one of my favorite examples of useful visualizations. Venn Diagram If you need to make a comparison between 2 relatively simple data sets, Venn diagram can be your creative and cool solution. Beautiful data is something of a buzz word at the moment, with many designers coming up with new and attractive ways to show statistics that look like abstract fractals or constellations at first glance. Everything that makes us uniquely human. 4) Presentations and Tradeshows. Here we collected 15 examples of creative and cool ways to show data in statistics, business, marketing, finance and etc. There's a lot of vertical movement in this creative infographic that allows for a cohesive understanding of the information being displayed. One way to present your table of information with clarity is to animate it and present the data step by step. The lines, colors, and imagery immediately capture the attention of the audience, leaving you in a spacey dream-like state. 3. annual report into an interactive data visualization. Here are 10 charts that can present data in clever ways that make it easy for people to grasp what you're talking about. Percent of U.S. Population by Age Group This is an example of how to present a single data set in a compelling way. And check out how we turned the Krochet Kids intl. Decision trees are great for guiding people mentally and visually from an indeterminate starting point to any one of many different end-points. It helps to steer projects and. However, PowerPoint does not have an option to animate the rows and columns in a table. This will ensure your audience does not get overwhelmed. The way you use and pair colors in your presentation design can grab an otherwise disinterested audience member's attention. Not only that, the average person's thumb apparently travels around 52 miles per year just from scrolling through social media. They capture attention quickly and provide concrete material that is easily digestible. 7. Traditional ordered and unordered lists do not offer much in the way of visual support. Don't just run straight to standard formats. Use an area chart if you are looking to display absolute or relative (stacked) values over a time period. Even if it's not yet perfect, people will appreciate the effort at originality. Each of the three examples included in this article are basic ways to enhance the visual appeal of lists, while at the same time keeping content well-organized. It's deeply satisfying leaving a research session with a new perspective. To avoid making your site look like a maths text book, you need to get a bit more creative with how you are going to display your information. Create an Infographic. Timelines can stretch far back in time or fast-forward into the future. In the following videos, you can find some creative ways to animate PowerPoint tables. Design notes:You will need to structure each point to have only one or two closed-ended (easy to answer) responses, end with a concrete recommendation and come to a conclusion very quickly. If that is the case, use a table without adding borders. You want it to be long enough to share information but not so long that employees do not read it. 7 Creative Ways to Communicate Information to Employees 1. Think of a whole new concept and play around with it.